
Dr. Klaus Ritter

President, EITEP - Euro Institute for Information and Technology Transfer in Environmental Protection, Germany

In his career, Dr. Klaus Ritter has passed through lots of important sites of the German energy and water management. As scientist he initially worked at the Aachen University of Technology and at the nuclear research centre, Jülich. Afterward he worked as general manager for professional, technical, and scientific associations of the German energy and water supply sector. Nowadays he is the president of EITEP, Euro Institute for Information and Technology Transfer. He develops international projects in the field of energy, water, environment, and infrastructure and is publisher of international professional journals like:

  • Pipeline Technology Journal (ptj)

He develops international conferences like

  • Pipeline Technology Conference (ptc) in Berlin

He was engaged in various international projects that have been partly financed by bodies like GTZ, BMU, BMBF and third parties. The main target region in this context is China, where he was involved in projects dealing with questions regarding management, economic and technical solutions and integrated water resources management. During his placement as general manager of the technical and scientific associations DELIWA and DVGW he was responsible for the implementation of regulations for water, energy and gas supply and transportation.

Dr. Klaus Ritter received his diploma in civil engineering from the RWTH Aachen University. His doctor thesis was dealing with water pollution due to the discharge of cooling water.

