Aomar Bourhim

Mr. Bourhim (Kingdom of Morocco) obtained his Master of Science studying Maritime Safety and Environmental Protection at the World Maritime University WMU (subsidiary OMI / IMO –Malmö- Sweden). Additionally, he has a Bachelor’s degree in Biology Geology.
He is the national coordinator of the WestMED/ BE initiative for the sustainable development of the blue economy in the Western Mediterranean, Co-chair of the WestMED steering committee (2019-2020).
He presented a number of actions carried by the Moroccan kingdom to promote the establishment of a sustainable blue economy in the fisheries sector. Among them the HALIEUTIS Plan (2009), the creation of the National Aquaculture Development Agency in 2011 as well as the launch of the Blue Belt Initiative in 2016 to provide a collaborative and unifying platform for the sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture in Africa.
Expertise in:
-the approach to integrating the gender dimension into fishing professions
-initiation of artisanal fishermen to integrated maritime projects and income generation
-the approach to control and observation of sea fishing activities.
-associated member of the national strategy for the immersion of artificial reefs
-maritime law and delimitation of maritime territories